I make digital products easier to understand and more enjoyable to use

Hi, I'm Brad! 👋 I'm a former mechanical engineer, turned writer, turned something-at-the-intersection of content, design and growth in the tech world. A lot of people have told me that journey's unusual, but for me it makes sense:➡️ I'm endlessly curious about how things work
➡️ I can't help but see the potential to optimise things
➡️ And one of my favourite mediums to work in is the bread and butter of human communication – words!
So that's why I now do what I do. But beyond that, I love working in and contributing to a positive company culture. One built on good relationships, celebrating successes, and sharing learnings.If titles help, I've been all of these at some point or another:🧪 Growth marketer
✍️ Content designer
✍️ UX writer
✍️ Content marketer
✍️ Content strategist
✍️ Editor
✍️ Copywriter
💡 Consultant
⚙️ Mechanical engineer


Content Righting | Newsletter
Getting it "right". Inside and (more importantly) outside of work.
Stories | Book
A collection of 21 short stories about love, loss, loneliness, and strange situations
My Medium | Blog
Thoughts on the job and creative side projects
Folks I've been published by:
XeroIntuitAccountingWEBRunway EastXU MagazineChaserIvy-Style.comLDN Life • and more


The In | Podcast
Going from no marketing qualification to senior writer at a tech company
Startup Fodder | Podcast
Stories from non-founders in startups

The rest

Delightful Things | Website
One cool thing every day (or thereabouts)
Town | Video game
A low-fi game made in 2 weeks using a no-code platform and pre-made assets
The Don't Skip List | Website
London spots and the one menu item not to skip.

Drop me a line if you'd like to talk about content, creative side projects, or mental health